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One of my absolute favorite restaurants in the DMV is Ghar-E-Kabab. Definitely top 5. It may sound like a bold statement given the countless restaurants in the area, but if you’ve been to Ghar-E-Kabab then you know it’s simply delicious. Located in the heart of 

Tuna Casserole and Chili Soup: Remembering My Grandma

Tuna Casserole and Chili Soup: Remembering My Grandma

Like most folks, I have many fond memories of being in my grandma’s kitchen. While most people might remember family recipes, holiday dishes, or sweet treats, I think by the time I came around, or when I came around, my Grandma had tired of cooking 

Oven Fresh Bakery

Oven Fresh Bakery

Last week I travelled to Wisconsin to be with family as we celebrated the life of my Grandma. At 96 years old she had lived quite a life, one that included serving as a Corporal in the U.S. Army Women’s Army Corps (WAC) during World War 

Another Kind of Public Education: Race, Schools, the Media, and Democratic Possibilities

Another Kind of Public Education: Race, Schools, the Media, and Democratic Possibilities

This summer, really since I defended my dissertation in March, I’ve been committed to reading more non-school-related books. Aided by my Prince George’s County library card, I have been quite successful. In fact, since then, I’ve read 19 glorious books and found a love for 

Minneapolis Eats: A Review

Minneapolis Eats: A Review

It seems like yesterday but a few weeks ago I was in Minneapolis for the Korean American Adoptee Adoptive Family Network (KAAN) conference. This was my fourth consecutive KAAN and my first time presenting. Adding to the excitement was the fact that it was in 

Far from the Tree: Parents, Children, and the Search for Identity

Far from the Tree: Parents, Children, and the Search for Identity

Shortly after Andrew Solomon’s book, Far from the Tree: Parents, Children, and the Search for Identity was published (2012), I happened upon his TEDTalk, “Love No Matter What.” In the talk, he reviewed some of his key findings from the 300-plus families he interviewed. After hearing 

Myoung Dong Noodle House

Myoung Dong Noodle House

One thing I love about Beltsville is the numerous ethnic restaurants and mom and pop stores – Guatemalan, Caribbean, Vietnamese, and Korean, to name a few. I had wondered about Myoung Dong Noodle House for a while but a friend, fellow food lover, and Korean 

House of India

House of India

House of India is easily one of my favorite restaurants in Maryland. A couple years ago I had the unpleasant necessity of replacing a cracked windshield, and as luck would have it, I went to the Safelite in Columbia, which is right around the corner 



I’ve been really into historical fiction lately. Books have always allowed me to travel to another time and place, fully immersing myself in the reality of the story the author creates, but historical fiction adds another layer to that. I’ve also been reading mainly women 

Vigilante Coffee Company

Vigilante Coffee Company

Earlier this spring Vigilante Coffee Company opened its College Park location. Conveniently located on Route 1, Vigilante filled a glaring void in the UMD coffee shop category. Even after two glowing recommendations, it took me a while before I dropped in. The first time I